Thursday, August 13, 2009

Don't have a good title for this post

After my long conversation with Scooby about the Bent Creek ride this Sunday I am contemplating making the journey with some of the guys from the NTMBA. My only reservation is that I am out of shape and haven't been on a bike in over a month. The guys who would be going are very good and I don't want to hold anyone up or suffer terribly by trying to keep up. I know I need to start back sometime but that ride might not be the best choice. I'll probably stick around here and get some laps in around ETSU. I'm sure Mike would be up for joining me. We shall see. Either way I plan on hitting Greg up here soon to take him up on his offer to ride Warrior's with me.

On a brighter note, Katie, that's my wife for those of you who may not know, found my beloved iPod. And just like I said in a previous post it had been whisked away by my 3 yr old. Katie found it in a box full of Barbie's and dress up dolls. Just pure luck that she was going through it looking for something else for one of the kids. So I am a happy camper now. I was dreading the thought of having to go shell out the money for a new one. I'll be sure to not have it laying around within reach from now on.

Well I'm outta here for now, I have the first parent-teacher conference of the year tonight. It's really more of an orientation for the 1st grade parents. Should be interesting. One great thing, my daughters teacher is good looking!!! I swear that the teachers we all had didn't look like the teachers of today. If we were all in school now I know none of us would miss a single day! LOL. I know Greg's wife is rolling her eyes and shaking her head right now. Hey, I'm just calling it like I see it.

1 comment:

  1. lol, just don't get caught staring at the teacher. The crew who is hitting Bent Creek is going to be a mix of strong and slow riders, trust me you won't be the one holding us up, come on out.
