Thursday, September 3, 2009

A short one

Its been a week since my last post and to be honest not much is going on to post about. I've been so busy with the newest addition to my family, and work I don't have time to do much else. Claire is doing wonderful. Her two big sisters are a huge help and love her more than you can imagine. Now if only I could get more than a couple hours of sleep every night. With me being so tired I haven't done anything at all. No gym, no riding, nothing. I contemplated going to the Short Track last night but I'm just too tired. I would have suffered alot!! I really am enjoying reading all of your posts. I can live vicariously through all of you. I know I keep saying I'm going to post pics and I will this weekend I promise. So stay tuned.


  1. Bout time you posted something, I was wondering if you and Mike were another one of "those" people who start up a blog with good intentions but die off within a month.
